Getting Your Child To A Dentist Kent

by | Apr 19, 2013 | Dental Services

Getting your child to the dentist can be torture. While you know that you need to take them once every six months or so for a check-up, the amount of stress that goes into (sometimes literally) dragging them to the dentist office makes you simply not want to take them. With this in mind, it is important to find the right dentist for your child. While they may not love the idea of going to the dentist, with the right dentist they at least may not put up a fight when it comes time to go. Here are three things to look for when you are looking for the right Dentist Kent for your children:

1. They Need To Specialize In Child Patients

Just because a dentist will take kids as patients does not mean that they specialize in children. There is a certain “art” to treating children as a medical professional. It isn’t just about having patience, it is also about making sure that they know how to talk to them and properly treat them. Without this experience with children, a dentist may not know how to best treat them, and get treatments done without fighting or screaming.

2. They Need To Offer “Distractions” For Children

The best way to get a child to sit still for a dental procedure is to distract them. The more they think about being at the dentist, the harder it is going to be to treat them. With this in mind, your dentist needs to offer distractions for child patients, whether it be “child-friendly” shows on a television they can watch during a procedure, or a child-friendly waiting room with games and activities. Don’t forget a surprise gift at the end for being such a “good” patient.

3. They Need To Be Able To Help Talk To Your Children About Good Dental Health

If your child is doing a good job with their brushing, the dentist should tell them this. On the other hand, if they aren’t doing a good job, the dentist should know how to talk to them and give them pointers in regards to how they can make improvements. While they should never tell at them, they should be able to talk to them about ways to improve their teeth.

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