Do you have anxiety about seeing a dentist? Then try Sedation Dentistry in Charleston SC. This type of dentistry concerns itself with the safe use of medical substances to help patients have more relaxing dental visits. By depressing the central nervous system, a patient’s conscious awareness can be controlled using sedatives and other agents. A dentist and patient can decide together which level of sedation is needed. There are three main levels of sedation that a patient can be put into. When a patient is minimally sedated, she can respond to stimuli in the surrounding environment and is relaxed. With moderate sedation, a patient is more relaxed and able to communicate with another person who attempts to talk to her. When a person is put into a deep sedation, she will more than likely not be able to respond to others.
Sedation Dentistry in Charleston SC is used for anxiety as well as pain relief. A patient who has problems with a gag reflex might use this type of dentistry since it depresses the central nervous system. Patient cooperation and minimized memories of a dental visit are two other advantages of sedation dentistry. This type of dentistry is used with children who are hard to work with and mentally challenged patients to make their visits less stressful.
There are different types of sedation available. With general anesthesia, a patient can be treated in a dental office, hospital, or other medical setting. A patient will be closely monitored during the use of this pharmaceutical to check for drops in blood pressure and irregular heartbeats. Some patients prefer to have an oral sedative that will relax them. This is usually in the form of a pill, lozenge, or capsule. One of the most popular sedation techniques is for a patient to breathe nitrous oxide through a rubber mask worn over the nose and mouth. Some dentists are licensed to administer intravenous sedation. This requires a needle to be inserted into a patient’s vein in the arm or hand. Doing this will require frequent monitoring of oxygen levels.
Seeing a sedation dentist can give you the opportunity to get the oral care you need without having to go through a lot of stress. One such practice to look into is Tatum Dentistry. The dentists at this practice can handle issues with anxiety and other issues related to sedation dentistry.