You Won’t Regret Having A Root Canal Done In Farmington Hills

by | Nov 25, 2016 | Dental care

Having a healthy and attractive set of teeth offers numerous benefits. How our teeth look is a big factor in our sense of self confidence, meaning that having a beautiful smile does wonders for how we feel about interacting openly in public or with friends. Healthy teeth also don’t give you any discomfort. The thing about teeth, however, is that you really have to put in effort and form good habits in order to maintain them. Plaque forms on the teeth and if you are not thoroughly and consistently cleaning it off, your teeth will develop cavities. If a cavity is left alone or remains unnoticed for long enough, it can get so severe as to affect the nerve and tissue of the tooth. As you can imagine, this is pretty painful. If you have a cavity of this severity, then you will need to get a root canal done in a place such as Farmington Hills.

What Is A Root Canal In Farmington Hills?

A root canal is a surgical procedure which reverses the damage done by a cavity that has spread to the nerve and tissue of a tooth. It is often called an endotherapy. During this procedure, first of all, the affected tissue needs to be removed. A small hole is drilled into the tooth, so the infected tissue can be accessed and carefully taken out. Then, the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected. Depending on the damage that has been done to the tooth, it will either be filled or receive a crown. The filling or crown will be made from porcelain, which helps your tooth become stronger. In addition, a porcelain crown or filling is the same color as your teeth, so it makes your smile look whiter and healthier.

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