Over the last decade, using Invisalign in Oak Park IL has become one of the most popular methods to help align teeth. Historically, orthodontists have used different kinds of braces and retainers to help patients achieve properly aligned teeth. Beginning in the 21st century, though, Invisalign emerged as a new technology to help solve the same issue in a more discreet fashion. Close to a million people have utilized Invisalign technology, making it one of the fastest growing dental procedures being sought out in the world today.
The goal of any tooth alignment process is to slowly shift the shape and direction of the teeth over time. Just like braces, finding out if Invisalign in Oak Park IL will work for your teeth begins by visiting a qualified orthodontist. Some surveys estimate that Invisalign can serve 80% of people with teeth alignment issues. The other 20% may still be able to use Invisalign for part of the time, thereby reducing the time they will have to wear a traditional retainer or braces.
Once a patient decides to move forward, a dentist will take a series of photos and x-rays in order to design a custom fitting Invisalign product. Invisalign teeth aligners are made of clear plastic, and are typically manufactured outside of the United States and then shipped back to the customer. The Invisalign strategy represents a comprehensive plan your orthodontist will design for wearing the teeth aligners over the course of approximately a year. In comparison, braces wearers typically have twice the wear time to correct the same issue.
The immediate advantages of an Invisalign strategy are obvious. The product itself is far less visually noticeable then traditional braces or retainers, reducing the stigma of having “bad teeth”. Comparison studies also show that Invisalign wearers report less general discomfort. One other problem facing braces users is the constant battle with food getting stuck in between the braces and the teeth.
From an oral health perspective, orthodontists see another set of advantages to using Invisalign in Oak Park IL. While braces did ultimately serve the purpose of correcting poor teeth alignment, they also were known to cause collateral damage to supporting tissues and gums. Additionally, more tooth decay could potentially occur. These problems were all seen as necessary potential hazards before Invisalign was an option on the market.
Making the best decision about how to address teeth alignment problems should always serve your long-term goals without compromising your short-term look! Aligning your teeth with Invisalign in Oak Park IL just may be the best option for you.