There is more than one option available to correct small gaps between your teeth, a chipped tooth, or one that is not as straight as you like. Braces and Invisalign are two possible choices that help with gaps and crooked teeth, and a chipped tooth can be repaired with a filling, simply removed, or replaced. Another viable option is to talk with your local dentist about veneers to improve your smile.
Siding Can Help My Smile?
Dental veneers are not siding for your house but they work in a similar manner. Veneer siding, when applied, gives the appearance of your home a brand-new sparkle; the same is true for dental veneers. When these custom applications are in place, none of the flaws that you were concerned about prior to the procedure are hidden behind the façade your dentist crafted specifically for you.
The condition of your smile is greatly improved by giving the appearance of straight, healthy teeth without applying braces, being fitted for Invisalign or losing a filling trying to eat your apple-a-day. Also like siding for your home, the veneer must be properly cared for, but it will also weaken over time. Preventative maintenance, regular check-ups, and eventual replacement is to be expected
It Costs what?
Depending on the specific nature of each case as well as the material from which the veneers are made, this method can cost anywhere from $250 to $2,500 per tooth. The material chosen not only affects the cost of the procedure. Based on what your veneers are made of dictates the life expectancy of your new smile. You may find them noticeably wearing after five years, or be fortunate enough to enjoy fifteen years of lighting up the room with your good-as-new grin.
Still Not Sure
Dental work of any kind should be discussed with your dentist to your satisfaction and carefully considered before committing to a procedure. Ask the right questions so you can weigh all of the pros and cons involved in each option available. If you are leaning towards veneers in Chicago, specialists are available for consultations, and you could try speaking to patients who have used this method.
If you are considering veneers in Chicago, contact the team at Lincoln Park General and Cosmetic Dentistry.