Quick Guide to Root Canal Therapy in Bowie, MD

by | Sep 12, 2017 | Dental care

“Root canal” refers to both the tissue and tooth between the pulp and roots, as well as the procedure of removing infected parts of the tooth or gum that cause root canal-related pain. Root canals of the mouth contain thousands of nerve endings and blood vessels, making the area sensitive to heat, cold, and other types of stimuli.

Removal of infected tissue can cause a cessation in a pain and eliminates the chance of spreading. Root canal therapy in Bowie, MD can be the best way to solve tooth root-related issues.

Causes of Root Canal Pain

There are many causes behind root canal pain and infection. Here is a quick overview of the top three most common general causes:

* Decay: Decay usually occurs due to cavities left unchecked. Cavities are very common and can easily be treated, but it’s important to consistently visit the dentist to make sure you keep any cavities in check.

* Disease: Some diseases can cause infection in and around the mouth, so you may need to consider root canal therapy.

* Damage: When there is an infection in your mouth, damages to your oral cavity can occur, causing mild to severe discomfort. The best way to solve this pain is through root canal therapy.

Signs You Need Root Canal Therapy

  • Pain experienced when eating food
  • Swelling and pain
  • Darkening of the teeth and gums, usually where the pain is
  • Bumps on the gums (may appear pimple-like)
  • Pain and sensitivity caused by hot and cold foods, other stimuli, etc.

Steps to Recovery

In order to recover, you’ll need to seek root canal therapy. Here are the steps of treatment-

  • Examination: First, your tooth will be examined and x-rayed to see if you do have an infection that requires Bowie root canal therapy. If so, an appointment will be set or surgery will follow shortly afterwards.
  • Anaesthesia: To reduce pain and allow for a simpler surgery without complications.
  • Drilling: The infected area will be drilled and infected tissues will be removed.
  • Filling and Crown: A temporary filling will be put in place and a permanent one will follow, followed by a dental crown in most cases.

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