You get two chances with teeth, your first set are expected to fall out while you are a child, not so your permanent teeth, they are expected to last a lifetime. The best way to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy is to schedule visits to your dentist in West Loop twice a year as a minimum.
During a typical visit to the dentist, two things will happen:
* A thorough checkup, and
* A comprehensive professional cleaning
The checkup:
Your dentist will perform a thorough check of all your teeth, looking for any evidence of decay and the amount of plaque and tartar that has built up. Plaque forms very quickly, it is that sticky lawyer that you can notice on your teeth, plaque is actually bacteria. If plaque is not removed it becomes hard, when this happens it is known as tartar. Tartar can lead to numerous oral diseases.
The dentist will next check your gums. Using special devices the dentist will carefully probe between your teeth and gums. If your gums are healthy this space is minimal, if not, the space can be quite deep and will require attention.
The cleaning:
Routine brushing and flossing is all that can be done at home, but even the best oral hygiene regimen cannot eliminate all plaque and tartar from your teeth. The dentist, or the oral hygienist will remove the tartar, this process is known as scaling.
Once scaling has been completed your teeth will be given a final polish with a mild abrasive and a rotary tool.
Between visits to your dentist in West Loop it is important that you brush twice a day, floss once and use fluoride toothpaste. Regular use of a medicinal mouthwash will help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and promote fresh breath.
It is highly recommended that you see your dentist in West Loop twice a year. You are invited to make your first appointment with Pure Dental Spa online at for you and your entire family.