Tips for Caring for Dental Crowns in Kalamazoo, MI

by | Aug 20, 2014 | Dental Services

If you are wondering how to care for a Dental Crown Kalamazoo MI, you will want to talk to your dentist first. Dental crowns are made of a few different materials, and are usually used to cover a tooth that can not be saved. If you are looking for tips on how to take care of a newly cemented crown, you have come to the right place. Read on below for some tips on how to care for the crown that you just received.

Brush Your Teeth Every Day

Good dental hygiene is extremely important when it comes to taking care of a dental crown. Make sure that you brush your teeth with a toothbrush with soft bristles two to three times a day. You will want to use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth to keep from aggravating your gum line and making the dental crown inflamed.

Floss Daily

You will also want to floss daily, making sure it is with sensitive floss. You need to try and floss three times a day to keep food and other gunk from building up around the crown, which can cause it to become inflamed with time. You will want to make sure that you don’t slide the floss back and forth across your gum line as this could cut and inflame it as well.

Gargle Everyday

You will want to gargle with an antiseptic rinse at least twice a day. Food that is caught between your teeth can cause tooth decay and make the dental crown ineffective. You want to make sure that you are gargling well to loosen any food that is stuck between your teeth.

Avoid Sticky Foods

Foods like caramel and even candy apples can damage and pull off a dental crown, so you want to be careful when eating these foods or even avoid them altogether. Click here for more details.

Having a dental crown is a good thing to help your teeth stay in good repair after they are damaged. However, you need to take care of your dental crown just as you take care of your other teeth. Avoiding sticky foods and brushing the right way will go a long way towards saving your teeth and your dental crown as well. Visit Website for more information today.

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